Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Latest Readings

We have read a book that has enlightened us on the past of the Church. It is very interesting to think about why we do things the way we do in Church meetings. Many of the ideas come from pagan roots and were never practiced in the early Church meetings. Not all of these things are bad but some are not Biblical...
This has lead us to read another book that is written to give the reader a better understanding about what is happening in the New Testament. The letters are in order from longest to shortest not in chronological order, and we only have one side to the letters that Paul wrote to the Churches. Because of this it is not easy to understand what is going on while reading through the New Testament. The book is written to show historical locations and situations and to mirror the letters to show what the other side of the story probably looks like. So, while reading this book the story of the New Testament comes to life and makes more sense.

1 comment:

  1. It would be good, you guys, if you would tell us the titles and authors of the books. We might want to read them, or to discuss them with you.



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