There are times when we don't have to "go into all the world" to reach the nations, because the nations can be in our backyard. We volunteered to manage the ticket booth and sell t-shirts at the Nashville mini World Cup. There were teams represented from all around the world- from Mexico to Swaziland to Sudan to the Congo, and many more! For us it was refreshing to be amongst internationals again...we openly handily ask God if He'd like us to get more involved in the international population in Nashville? And if so-to lead and guide us.Church-
On Sunday we got to be the guest missionaries for the children of Red River AG. Our main message represented was spreading the gospel through understanding and accepting the differences in different cultures. We went through some of the differences in the places we've been. Acknowledging that just because people do things different, doesn't always mean it's wrong. Going into a different culture we need to be open hearted and have humble spirits to understand WHY people do the things they do. Love people for where they are. And bring the Truth accordingly. The children were a blessing to us, and I'm pleased to know that some are already called to missions!
Children are so much fun! Looking at the world through their eyes truly helps us to see things differently and perhaps as we should. I'm sure you and Dwayne were a blessing this past weekend. Blessings on you both :)